This documentary film directed by Davis Guggenhiem about a former United States Vice President, Al Gore's campaign to educate people about global warming.
The film is set out in a key note slide show format that shows how global warming has had an impact on the world and Gore's life. Gore travels to different places to spread awareness to the public about how severe the climate crisis has become.
The documentary starts with Gore informally addressing an audience and beginning his slideshow with magnificent images of nature and telling the audience that these images are the somewhat the reason why people, see the earth differently. How these images are powerful enough for people to want to protect the earth and the way it is now, sparking modern environmentalism.
Gore shares a lot of anecdotes in the film one being how his interesting in environmentalism was sparked, some reasons being that he was interested in environmentalism during his college education at Harvard University, another being that his sisters death from lung cancer, and other stories. The use of anecdotes give a personal touch to his presentation showing people that climate change is a real problem and is affecting people like him or could people affecting people like us.
As the film continues Gore discusses how climate change is no longer just a scientific issue but a moral and political issue that should be addressed. He also includes segments in his documentary about how people seem to thing that global warming is a unproven theory and that it is seemingly an insignificant issue in our society, however with the collapsing ice sheets in antarctica and the rising levels in CO2 its is predominant issue that involves the whole world. He concludes that action needs to be taken to prevent the global warming and suggests different ways to revoke the damage that we have already caused to the globe.
Gore concludes his presentation with a very moving speech
"Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each one of us can make choices to change that with the things we buy, the electricity we use, the cars we drive; we can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero. The solutions are in our hands, we just have to have the determination to make it happen. We have everything that we need to reduce carbon emissions, everything but political will. But in America, the will to act is a renewable resource."
People should be taking on the problem of global warming, and as industrial designers this is one of the reasons we design recyclable and renewable products that have a cradle to cradle life in hopes to do out part to prevent global warming
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